Today's Quotes

Quotes to inspire you for the day.

A Day With Quotes

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I'm possible'! -Audrey Hepburn - khalifa_ahmerd Source ー なう(2017/06/12 06:16:51) 14℃. …

A Day With Quotes

Information is not knowledge. - EinsteinQuots 18℃. A bit chilly. なう(2017/06/11 10:54:02) Getting sunny and wormer :) なう(2017/06/11 15:37:51) I'm making a ramen for dinner! なう…

Photo Journal

I woke up. It's time for me to take a shower ;) なう(2017/06/10 07:50:21) It's raining today. June bloom in south CA. なう(2017/06/10 08:34:18) It seems I have no time for taking English classes today AGAIN! Ummm I wanna solve the issue AS…

Photo Journal

It's a beautiful day! Let's get started :) なう(2017/06/09 09:10:28) Bought it :D! (2017/06/09 13:51:19) Dinner time (´౿`)✧ なう(2017/06/09 15:04:45) Refill :9!なう(2017/06/09 19:22:16)

Las Vegas

What should we do in Vegas? Maybe I should buy the book on Kindle. Because I heard the book is really useful and I have never read any of them before.Fortunately, I have some Amazon gift cards.

Favorite teacher

I YouTube - 公式アプリで動画と音楽Google, Inc.写真/ビデオ無料


I've been working on making plans for a road trip to Grand Canyon ~ Las Vegas.I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Womanブリトニー・スピアーズポップ¥200provided courtesy of iTunes

Sushi Night!

I ate Sushi! Yay!!

Google Translate

I installed the google translate's tool on this blog!Google 翻訳Google, Inc.辞書/辞典/その他無料

Stay foolish

"Stay foolish." That's what Steve Jobs told graduated students of Stanford university.