Today's Quotes

Quotes to inspire you for the day.


Today, the door bell rang so I went down the stares and then I saw two women standing in front of the door.

Grocery shopping

I went grocery shopping today so I bought a little treats for me!


I got roses from mother-in-law!

Donald Trump : The Biography

I started reading the book.


I was not in a good mood today :( So I drank wine and sang some songs at home :)


This app is interesting!codebelle - スキマ時間で学ぶプログラミングManabelle Co. Ltd.教育無料

Livedoor blog

I made a new blog on Livedoor blog!livedoor Blog - 写真フィルタを搭載した多機能ブログ投稿アプリlivedoor Co.,Ltd.ソーシャルネットワーキング無料

Grand Canyon

We're going to Grand Canyon in June!A Grand Canyon, One Man’s Journey through DepressionKen La Salle医学¥350


I watched "Documental" tonight!


I like walking!