Today's Quotes

Quotes to inspire you for the day.

Entries from 2016-01-01 to 1 year

American sushi

Something is wrong :(

Japanese restaurant

My husband has come back from the business trip He took me to a Japanese restaurant last night :9!

Liquid shopping


I went shopping for seafood! I LOVE SEAFOOD!!!!


There are a lot of snails in patio of our new house :(


I took a picture of the sunset in California.

Philippino restaurant

We went to a Philippino restaurant. The meal was huge!


I'm gonna show you my favorite water. Pay attention to its price!

Today's snack

Today's snack is... Edamame

Steak house

We went to a steak house after the mountain. This is my steak with broccoli and coleslaw.


We went to a mountain. What a beautiful day!

Birthday presents

I bought my husband some presents for his birthday.


We went grocery shopping. And I found TOFU.

Our baby

Here is our baby ;)

Birthday card

My husband's birthday is coming soon! I bought him a card.

Snack night

I seldom eat snacks at night. But I felt like eating some snacks the other night.

Ally McBeal

I have been watching Ally McBeal since yesterday.

Greek restaurant

We went to a Greek restaurant.

Lost cat

My neighbor has lost their cat.


I watched the movie Pocahontas on Netflix.

Sowing kit

My husband bought me a new sowing kit. It's cute♡

Buffalo chicken

We went to a buffalo chicken restaurant.

Clothes shopping

We went shopping and bought some clothes.

Tacos night

We had tacos and margarita for dinner last night.


I went to a fast food restaurant "Chowking".

Mexican beer

We tried the beer "Beers of Mexico Fiesta Pack"!

Public restroom

There were cute public restrooms by the beach.


It's my new white T-shirt. I wanted a white T-shirt with "California" on it!

No shoes sign

We printed it out and put it on the entrance stairs.

Fortune cookie

Almost every Chinese restaurant serves fortune cookies for free!